How to get a CoGe account
From CoGepedia
(Redirected from User account)
CoGe is federated with CyVerse's Authentication Service. This means that in order to login to CoGe you need a CyVerse account. Once you log into CoGe, you can:
- Load genomes and keep them private
- Load experiments (functional and diversity data sets for genomes) and keep them private
- Create user groups
- Share private genomes and experiments with other users
- Have private genomes and experiments shared with you
- Track all your previously run analyses
- Create notebooks to organize data and analyses
Most of CoGe's analytical tools, such as SynMap and GEvo, do not require a login to use public data.
To get an account activated on CoGe, follow these steps:
- Register for a CyVerse Account:
- Activate your CoGe Account:
- Go to CoGe:
- Press the "Sign-in" link located in the upper right corner of any CoGe Page
- Authenticate (enter your username and password) at CyVerse
- You should be returned to CoGe and now logged in.
- Done!
- You need to log into CoGe in order for your account with CoGe to be activated.
- If you want or should have access to a restricted genome, contact the owner of the genome or email CoGe Support.
- To upload from/export to the CyVerse Data Store, you'll need to go to the CyVerse user portal ( and request access to CoGe. This will create a special directory in your data store called "coge_data" to which CoGe will have access to read and write file.