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* Generate quick-share links
* Generate quick-share links
** Both [[http://de.iplantcollaborative.org iPlant's Discovery Environment] and  http://data.iplantcollaborative.org have ways to generate a quick-share link that lets you generate a URL to a file that someone can use to download the file directory (no log in or permission checking).  It is not the most secure means to transfer data as anyone with the link can download the data, but it is convenient to email someone a URL to get a file.
** The [[http://de.iplantcollaborative.org iPlant Discovery Environment] has a way to generate a quick-share link that lets you generate a URL to a file that someone can use to download the file directory (no log in or permission checking) in a web browser.  It is not the most secure means to transfer data as anyone with the link can download the data, but it is convenient to email someone a URL to get a file.
** This video shows how to do it with http://data.iplantcollaborative.org
** {{#ev:youtube|CoHjYWSvrPA}}

Latest revision as of 11:26, 8 July 2014

There are several ways to share data from iPlant's Data Store:

Using the iPlant Discovery Environment to share access to a the coge_data directory.
  • Use iPlant's Discovery Environment Data window:
    • Open the data window by clicking on the data icon
    • Select the folder/file you wish to share
    • Click the "More Actions" menu
    • Click "Manage Sharing"
    • Search for a user by first name, last name, or user name
    • Click on the user
    • Set their permissions to "read" or "write"
    • Click "Done"
  • iRODS command line:
    • Use ichmod: https://www.irods.org/index.php/ichmod
    • Note: when using the imv command, please use the following steps to ensure that CoGe gets access to the files. This is required due to a limitation in the iRODS design.
imv /iplant/home/username/ordinary_data /iplant/home/username/coge_data
ichmod -r write coge /iplant/home/username/coge_data
ichmod inherit /iplant/home/username/coge_data
  • Generate quick-share links
    • The [iPlant Discovery Environment has a way to generate a quick-share link that lets you generate a URL to a file that someone can use to download the file directory (no log in or permission checking) in a web browser. It is not the most secure means to transfer data as anyone with the link can download the data, but it is convenient to email someone a URL to get a file.