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LoadExperiment enables you to load a set of experimental quantitative, polymorphism, or alignment data for a genome in CoGe. Several different file formats are supported. The data can then be viewed alongside annotation in [[GenomeView]].
#REDIRECT: [[LoadExp+]]
== Inputs  ==
=== Metadata  ===
*'''Name:''' Name of experiment
*'''Description:''' Description of experiment
*'''Version:''' Version of experiment
*'''Source:''' Where is the data from? This could be you, your lab, your university, a sequencing center, your collaborator.
*'''Restricted:''' Is this experiment public or restricted to you and your collaborators
*'''Genome:''' Select the appropriate genome from CoGe
*'''Select Data File:''' Opens a window for specifying the input data file
=== Data File  ===
You can select and retrieve data file located at:
*The iPlant Data Store
*An FTP server
*Your computer (Upload)<br>
=== Data Formats  ===
LoadExperiment supports several data file formats depending on the data type:
*Quantitative data
**Comma-separated (CSV) file format
**Tab-separated (TSV) file format
**BED file format
*Polymorphism (SNP) data
**Variant Call Format (VCF) file format
*Alignment data
**BAM file format
Each of these file formats are described below in their own section. The file type can be auto-detected by LoadExperiment if the file name ends with the expected extension (.csv, .tsv, .bed, .vcf, .bam). Files can be compressed (.zip, .gz) and still have their type auto-detected (e.g., mydata.bed.gz). For non-standard file name extensions, you can select the file type from a list.
==== CSV File Format  ====
This is a comma-delimited file that contains the following columns
*Chromosome (string)
*Start position (integer)
*Stop position (integer)
*Chromosome Strand (1 or -1)
*Measurement Value must be between [1-0] (real number; inclusive)
*Second Value (OPTIONAL): can store a second value such as an expect value (real number)
==== TSV File Format  ====
Same as CSV format but with tab delimiters instead of commas.
==== BED File Format  ====
Standard BED format as defined here: http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1
Only the first six columns are used, with the "name" field ignored.
==== VCF File Format  ====
Standard VCF 4.1 format as defined here: http://www.1000genomes.org/wiki/Analysis/Variant%20Call%20Format/vcf-variant-call-format-version-41
==== BAM File Format  ====
Standard BAM format.

Latest revision as of 16:37, 10 May 2017

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