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(Evidence that Utricularia has had a whole genome duplication following its divergence with tomato: fractionation of gene content in two separate genomic regions)
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==Evidence that Utricularia has had a whole genome duplication following its divergence with tomato: fractionation of gene content in two distinct Utricularia genomic regions==
==Evidence that Utricularia has had a whole genome duplication following its divergence with tomato: fractionation of gene content in two distinct Utricularia genomic regions==
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[[Utricularia Syntenic Dotplots]]
[[Utricularia Syntenic Dotplots]]
[[File:Screen shot 2012-02-02 at 4.46.18 PM.png|thumb|500px|left]]

Revision as of 17:45, 2 February 2012

Evidence that Utricularia has had a whole genome duplication following its divergence with tomato: fractionation of gene content in two distinct Utricularia genomic regions

GEvo analylsis of 2xUtricularia regions to 1xTomato regions. The Utricularia regions are syntenic to the same reigon of tomato and show extensive fractionation. Results may be regenerated at http://genomevolution.org/r/4gi8

Differential fractionation of Utricularia and Genlisea (may be due to the polyploidy noted above)

GEvo analysis of Genlisea and Utricularia to the orthologous outgroup region of Mimulus. Genlisea and Utricularia demostrate a pattern of differential fractionation. Results can be regenerated at: http://genomevolution.org/r/4gbw

Syntenic dotplots

Utricularia Syntenic Dotplots


Screen shot 2012-02-02 at 4.46.18 PM.png