Install coge: Difference between revisions

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=== Create new mysql database ===
=== Create new mysql database ===
Note: be sure to disable apparmour for MySQL.

Dump CoGe Database schema
Dump CoGe Database schema
Line 140: Line 142:
*Install CoGe modules /modules directory of CoGe install path
*Install CoGe modules /modules directory of CoGe install path
  perl Makefile.PL lib=/usr/local/lib/perl; make install
  perl Makefile.PL lib=/usr/local/lib/perl; make install
*Install non-standard Perl modules
sudo apt-get install expat libexpat1-dev

=== Install JBrowse ===
=== Install JBrowse ===

Revision as of 17:51, 28 October 2013

Server with existing CoGe Installation

Create new mysql database

Note: be sure to disable apparmour for MySQL.

Dump CoGe Database schema

mysqldump -d -h localhost -u root -pXXXXXXX coge | sed 's/AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*\b/AUTO_INCREMENT/' > cogetable.sql

Create new CoGe Database

create database oryza_coge

Initialize new coge database

mysql -u root -pXXXXXXXX oryza_coge < cogetable.sql

Populate a few entries in the feature_type table

mysql -u root -pXXXXXXXXX oryza_coge < feature_type.sql

Create new user for new CoGe database

  • Want a web-user with limited write privileges and a power user to load new data
create user 'oryza_coge'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXX';
grant all privileges on oryza_coge.* to oryza_coge;
create user 'oryza_coge_web'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXX';
grant select on oryza_coge.* to oryza_coge_web;
flush privileges;

Note: The CoGe web-user needs edit/insert permission on some tables. Here is a snapshot of what these are:

Deploy new CoGe Web-site

Download CoGe repository from GitHub

git clone

Make directories where files go and give write persmission

cd coge/web

Configure apache

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
##Configure the main website
Alias /Oryza_CoGe "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe"
Alias /oryza_coge "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe"
Alias /oCoGe "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe"
Alias /ocoge "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe"
<Directory "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe">
  PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
  Options Includes Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride AuthConfig
  SetEnv HOME "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe/"
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

<Directory /home/mbomhoff/public/coge/services/JBrowse/JBrowse_TrackContent_WS/>
   Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
   AddHandler wsgi-script .py
Alias /coge/services/JBrowse/track /home/mbomhoff/public/coge/services/JBrowse/JBrowse_TrackContent_WS/

<Directory /opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe/services/JBrowse/JBrowse_TrackContent_WS/>
   Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
   AddHandler wsgi-script .py
Alias /Oryza_CoGe/services/JBrowse/track /Oryza_CoGe/services/JBrowse/JBrowse_TrackContent_WS/

##configure gobe (visualization tool for GEvo)
<Directory "/opt/apache2/Oryza_CoGe/gobe/">
   Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
   AddHandler wsgi-script .py

Configure coge.conf file

##This is a configuration file for CoGe.  
##Key Value pairs:
##<NAME>    <PATH>

#database configuration
DBNAME    oryza_coge
DBHOST    localhost
DBPORT    3306
DBUSER    oryza_coge_web

#basedir for coge
COGEDIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/

#bin dir for coge's programs
BINDIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/bin/ 

#data dir for coge's programs
DATADIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/data/ 

#dir for pair-wise whole genome comparisons (e.g. SynMap)
DIAGSDIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/diags/ 

#fasta dir
FASTADIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/data/fasta/

#TMPL dir for coge's web page templates
TMPLDIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/tmpl/

#temp dir for coge
TEMPDIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/tmp/

#Base URL for web-site
URL /Oryza_CoGe/

#URL for temp directory
TEMPURL /Oryza_CoGe/tmp/

#blast style scoring matrix dirs
BLASTMATRIX /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/data/blast/matrix/

#blastable DB
BLASTDB /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/data/blast/db/

#directory for bed files
BEDDIR /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/data/bed/

#servername for links

#directory for caching genome browser images
IMAGE_CACHE /opt/apache/Oryza_CoGe/data/image_cache/

Install Perl Modules

  • Install CoGe modules /modules directory of CoGe install path
perl Makefile.PL lib=/usr/local/lib/perl; make install
  • Install non-standard Perl modules

DBIx::Class AuthCAS CGI::Log DBIx::Class::Schema Data::UUID Data::GUID

sudo apt-get install expat libexpat1-dev XML::SAX::Expat XML::Parser XML::Simple


Install JBrowse

Download and install the JBrowse package from

cd js
mv JBrowse-1.9.7 jbrowse

Populate with test data

scripts/ -dsgid 11022 -u1 coge -p1 XXXXXXX -db1 coge -u2 oryza_coge -p2 XXXXXXX -db2 oryza_coge -sd /opt/apache/oryz_coge/data/genomic_sequence


Visualization in GEvo does not work

This relies on a system known as Gobe. Check the following things:

  • Apache configuration for gobe
  • Check to see if paths hard-coded into gobe/flash/service.wsgi need to be updated
    • NOTE: Not sure if this is required