Genome derivative files: Difference between revisions

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* /storage/coge/data/bed/
* /storage/coge/data/bed/
* /storage/coge/data/blast/
** file format:  genom_id.bed
* /storage/coge/data/last/
* /storage/coge/data/blast/db/
** subdirectory with genome_id needs to be deleted
** Note:  Currently an inconsistency where blastdb files are being deposited in the main directory and not a subdirectory
* /storage/coge/data/last/db/
** subdirectory with genome_id needs to be deleted
** Note:  Currently an inconsistency where blastdb files are being deposited in the main directory and not a subdirectory
* /storage/coge/data/cache/
* /storage/coge/data/cache/
** subdirectory with genome_id needs to be deleted
* /storage/coge/data/fasta/
* /storage/coge/data/fasta/
** files are created with genome_id as the predicate
** need to delete:  genome_id*
* /storage/coge/diags/
* /storage/coge/diags/
** data are storage in subdirectories: /genome_id_1/genome_id_2/
** All directories need to be crawled to find cases where genome_id_2 exists
** Entire contents of directory need to be deleted

Revision as of 17:19, 22 July 2014

CoGe generates several derivative files for a genome. These are used in various analyses including blast, synmap, etc. If a genome has been modified (e.g., bad annotations loaded), these derivative files need to be deleted.

  • /storage/coge/data/bed/
    • file format: genom_id.bed
  • /storage/coge/data/blast/db/
    • subdirectory with genome_id needs to be deleted
    • Note: Currently an inconsistency where blastdb files are being deposited in the main directory and not a subdirectory
  • /storage/coge/data/last/db/
    • subdirectory with genome_id needs to be deleted
    • Note: Currently an inconsistency where blastdb files are being deposited in the main directory and not a subdirectory
  • /storage/coge/data/cache/
    • subdirectory with genome_id needs to be deleted
  • /storage/coge/data/fasta/
    • files are created with genome_id as the predicate
    • need to delete: genome_id*
  • /storage/coge/diags/
    • data are storage in subdirectories: /genome_id_1/genome_id_2/
    • All directories need to be crawled to find cases where genome_id_2 exists
    • Entire contents of directory need to be deleted