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Creosote genome sequencing and assembly notes:
[[Creosote Assembly]]
*Sample obtained from front yard of 4951 W. McElroy Dr.
*Sequences obtained from one lane of Illumina HiSeq2000
*Fastq files delivered from UAGC
**82 files
**Headers are Sanger format (code 33)
***Description of Fastq file format with notes on specific decoding of header names generated by various technologies:
**Pairend reads
**Need to get adapter sequences used in sequencing
***TGACCA (Not present in sequence reads)
*Check quality with fastqc:
**[[Creosote First Run FastQC]]
*Merge R1 files; merge R2 files
*gzip them
'''Trim sequences'''
*Get this package of Haibaos:
** git clone git://
** SET PATH: export PYTHONPATH=/lib/python (which is the dir above jcvi)
** may need to install biopython: sudo easy_install biopython
*Run this: python -m jcvi.apps.baseclean trim R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
**Automatically trims and cleans sequences, also does the conversion to appropriate fastq format
**NOTE: This program should download trimmomatic, but may need to update the path of the timmomatic program in the program
*If the Trimmer script fails for silly reasons, you can run it from the command-line:
java -Xmx4g -cp Trimmomatic-0.13/trimmomatic-0.13.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE lane3_NoIndex_L003_R1_001.b64.fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R2_001.b64.fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R1_001.pairs.fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R1_001.frags.fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R2_001.pairs.fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R2_001.frags.fastq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fasta:2:40:15 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36
'''Genome Assembly'''
*Note:  Bao recommends CLC for genome assembly.  Runs faster, less memory, less sensitive to bad data.  Compute intensive.  THIS IS COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE
'''Running SOAPdenovo'''
SOAPdenovo31mer all -s ../../soap.config.eric -o SoapAssem -K 25 -p 16 -R -d -D -F
**Note: if SOAP crashes, try another XXmer binary (e.g. 63mer)
'''Running Velvet'''
**Need to interleave reads:
~/src/velvet_1.1.04/ lane3_NoIndex_L003_R1_001.pairs.fastq lane3_NoIndex_L003_R2_001.pairs.fastq merged_pairs.fastq
**set threading of velvet with env var
**running velveth
OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 velveth VelvetAssem 31 -shortPaired -fastq.gz merged_pairs.fastq.gz -short -fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R1_001.frags.fastq.gz -short -fastq.gz lane3_NoIndex_L003_R2_001.frags.fastq.gz
OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 velvetg VelvetAssem -scaffolding yes -exp_cov auto -cov_cutoff auto -min_contig_lgth 200 -ins_length 150
'''Other Stuff'''
'''Trimming reads'''
*Trim Paired ends with Trimmomatic:
*Assumes Illumina Encoding (code: 64, not code: 33)
**Need to convert for the HighSeq Reads:
** easy_install biopython
** git clone git://
** export PYTHONPATH=/lib/python (which is the dir above jcvi)
** python -m jcvi.formats.fastq  (Install missing packages)
'''Cleaning Single Reads:'''
*Sequences cleaned using trimReads by Haibao Tang:
**Ran with supplied adapter sequence file:
>Adapter 4
>Adapter 4 rc
**Command-line run:
Running /home/elyons/bin/trimReads  -Q 33 -f /home/elyons/projects/genome/data/creosote/Sample_lane3/adapter/adapter.faa ./lane3_NoIndex_L003_R2_015.fastq
'''Converting sequences'''
*python -m jcvi.formats.fastq convert  (read help file, default conversion Sanger (code 33) to Illumina (code 64)
'''Other programs to clean sequences'''
*python -m jcvi.apps.baseclean trim fastqfile (single ended)
*python -m jcvi.apps.baseclean trim R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz (paired ended)
'''keep sequences in single files (or two files for a pair of reads)'''
*Cat all the R1s together
*Cat all the R2s together

Revision as of 16:45, 7 August 2011