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This page is to document the Ancestral Reconstruction Pipeline by Chunfang Zheng
[[Notes on pipeline details]]
Master control is from her batch script: batchFile.txt
#gets gene pairs from SynMap output
#run with config file
#config file: number of genomes and syntenic depth relationships
java TestGetGenomes data/inputInfoCoGe.txt
#outputs from above:
#              orthologSets_8400_9050_10997_19515.txt
# This file contains orhtologous sets of genes across genome
#              genomeInString_8400_9050_10997_19515.txt
#              subgenomeRangesInGeneOrder_8400_9050_10997_19515.txt
#This program coordinates getting dat ready for MWM by a python program
java TestGetContigInput data/inputInfoAGRP.txt
#Generates the first MWM iteration
cd outputFiles
python; contigOutput.txt
# Input is the weighted vertices
#output is ancestral contigs by otho_gene_family_ids.  Based on these contigs, the second MWM is run
cd ..
java TestGetContigOutputAndScaffoldInput data/inputInfoAGRP.txt
#generates a bunch of python scripts (identical to the above python script) for running MWM.  This time on ancestral contigs mapped to extant genomes.  This provides information on how to link adjacent contigs into ancestral scaffolds.
cd outputFiles
python &gt; scaffoldOutput1.txt
python &gt; scaffoldOutput2.txt
python &gt; scaffoldOutput3.txt
python &gt; scaffoldOutput4.txt
python &gt; scaffoldOutput5.txt
python &gt; scaffoldOutput6.txt
python &gt; scaffoldOutput7.txt
#joins outputs of above MWM into final ancestral chromosome
cd ..
java TestScaffoldOutput
inputInfo example file (describes input from CoGe)
numberOfGenomes 4
numberOfGenomePairs 9
#synmap output with correct syntenic depth
8400 9050 data/8400_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997 8400 data/10997_8400.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997 9050 data/10997_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997 19515 data/10997_19515.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.1.40.gcoords
19515 8400 data/19515_8400.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac1.3.40.gcoords
19515 9050 data/19515_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac1.3.40.gcoords
8400 8400 data/8400_8400.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
9050 9050 data/9050_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997 10997 data/10997_10997.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
#syntenic depth among the genomes
8400 3
9050 3
10997 3
19515 1
#subgenome information
#ortholog_set org_1_paralog_1|org_1_paralog_2|org_1|paralog_3 org_2_paralog_1|etc. .
#max number of paralog genes in an organism is based on the syntenic depth for that organism.  E.g., three for peach
1 PAC:17653852|PAC:17650319|PAC:17656076 GSVIVG01035853001|GSVIVG01017316001|GSVIVG01015543001 Tc06_g001640|Tc09_g002300|Tc09_g011400 evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00078.25
2 PAC:17659187|PAC:17667521|PAC:17645335 GSVIVG01024935001|GSVIVG01034155001|GSVIVG01016522001 Tc05_g004430|Tc09_g031500|Tc10_g002720 evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00012.209
3 PAC:17660832|PAC:17641120|PAC:17649248 GSVIVG01035855001|GSVIVG01017319001|GSVIVG01015546001 Tc06_g001660|Tc09_g002290|Tc09_g011430 evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00078.24
10483 PAC:17654291 missing Tc02_g001110 missing
This file contains infromation about subgenomes (parental genomes) making up an extant genome.  Chunfang often creates these by hand, but does have a program to generate this.  Practical_Aliquoting
#genome_ID    number_of_synteny_blocks  paleopolyploid_depth title_for_set
10997 21 3 cacao
#colorCode: means ancestral chromosome assignment -- better term is bin.  For eudicots, this is thought to be 7 (could be other numbers for other reconstructions)
#subgenome: which subgenome to which a block belongs
#chr start end:  position of block in extant genome
colorCode subgenome chr start end
1 1 2 12716774 27462648
1 2 4 349021 14314443
1 3 3 208385 16091087
2 1 3 19982135 24212437
2 2 1 27207631 30674661
2 3 3 16741484 19970692
3 1 2 1350572 7237080
3 2 1 315357 7988483
3 3 8 43353 6712481
4 1 9 739576 3437504
4 2 6 1071819 9467758
4 3 9 3437504 9589803
5 1 4 18966341 23343107
5 2 1 21083375 26683534
5 3 5 23329957 25395907
6 1 9 23851693 28019603
6 2 5 541440 5362779
6 3 10 333882 12953021
7 1 6 10864133 14795052
7 2 1 8722499 15224371
7 3 7 511932 6542889
19515 0 1 amborella
colorCode subgenome chr start end
#MWM first pass
numberOfGenomes 4
#weight for adjacencies based
genomeIndex ploidyNumber weights
8400 3 0 2 4 6
9050 3 0 2 4 6
10997 3 0 2 4 6
19515 1 0 3
#minimum threshold -- each gene family needs at least two adjacencies in this case
weightOfAdjacent>= 4
#output of the above generates the .py file: This file take this python program ( and then adds in data generated from the input + above parameters.  Program can be refactored so that these data can be refactored to be read from an external file.
# Next, python script is run (e.g., python> contigOutput.txt)
#output looks like contigOutput.txt
#Three column output:  vertice - vertice - weight
# There are two lines at the end that has the total weight and time (seconds) to run.  These benchmarking should be labeled and commented out.
#MWM iteration 2
#For the first reconstruction, a minimum number of orth_gene_families that are on the same chromosome and in same ancestral chromosome (bin)
minimumGeneGroupLength>= 3
AncChrNumber 7
genomeInContigIndex weight
0 2
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 3

Revision as of 18:48, 25 April 2014