Background of chromosome colored green to show GC rich regions and white to show AT rich regionsGene models drawn as gray arrowsmRNA drawn as blue arrows (on top of gray genes)Protein coding regions (CDS) drawn as green arrows (on top of gray genes and blue mRNAs)Overlapping genomic features are detected and expanded to show alternatively spiced transcriptsGenomic region with unsequenced regions colored orange from the genome of Carica papayaGenomic region with masked sequence colored purpleMicrobial (archaea) genomic region with 23S and 16S rRNA genes drawn as wide gray arrowsMicrobial (archaea) genomic region with many pseudogenes drawn as orange-red arrowsWobble GC content colored for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome. Green means high GC content in codon wobble positionsWobble GC content colored for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast genome. Red means low GC content in codon wobble positionsWobble GC content colored for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria genome. Yellow means ~50% GC content in codon wobble positions