Aspergillus oryzae and flavus

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Syntenic dotplot between two species/strains of Aspergillus: flavus (x-axis) and oryzae (y-axis). Black arrows point to syntenic discontinuities where there has been a discernible insertion or deletion in one genome. Red dashed lines highlight a pair of chromosomes that have possibly exchanged arms. While it is not possible to assign the event to either organism from this plot, it also could be the result of a genome assembly error. This analysis can be regenerated at:;dsgid2=7146;c=4;D=20;g=10;A=5;Dm=;gm=;w=0;b=1;ft1=1;ft2=1;do1=1;do2=1;do=40;dt=geneorder .
Aspergillus oryzae strain RIB 40 protein coding sequence GC content histogram. Counts are per sequences and binned according to their GC content.

Overview of genomes: