Ambiguous nucleotide

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Ambiguous nucleotides are used when the true nucleotide is unknown. The most popular one seen with high-throughput genome sequences is "N" which represents any possible nucleotide.


  • Any nucleotide (A or C or G or T or U) N
  • Purine (A or G) R
  • Pyrimidine (T or C) Y
  • Keto (G or T) K
  • Amino (A or C) M
  • Strong interaction (3 H bonds) (G or C) S
  • Weak interaction (2 H bonds) (A or T) W
  • Not A (C or G or T) B
  • Not C (A or G or T) D
  • Not G (A or C or T) H
  • Not T or U (A or C or G) V

Not ambiguous

  • Adenosine A
  • Cytidine C
  • Guanine G
  • Thymidine T
  • Uridine (if 'Alphabet' set to 'RNA') U