Teabag - CoGe's Utility Belt
Teabag is a bash script that manages CoGe services abstracting away the need for multiple, messy CLI calls.
Teabag has a few dependencies for operation and formatting that might not come default on most unix systems. They are:
- pgrep - a process grep program
- pkill - a process killer program
Teabag comes pre-installed on the coge dev server, but if you don't have access to this fine machine never fear:
mv <the teabag script> /usr/local/bin/teabag
sudo chmod 755 teabag
Configuration is as simple as changing some config variables in the script.
Open the teabag script in your favorite text editor and change these configuration settings located at the top of the file:
# Configuration Settings #
GREENTEA_DIR='<Greentea's Root Path>'
To start up all the currently configured processes:
To start specific processes:
teabag infuse <process>
To check which processes Teabag is currently configured for:
teabag processes
To check the status of all currently configured proccesses:
teabag status
To kill all running processes:
teabag kill
To kill specific processes:
teabag kill <process>
To list all usable commands:
teabag usage
To restart the apache server alone:
teabag apache
For help with any commands:
teabag help <command>