Experiment Metadata
The experiment metadata file is a tab-separated file containing a header line followed by the metadata for each experiment, one per line. There are some required columns and free-form optional columns.
- Column 1: Should be "Filename"
- Column 2: Should be "Name"
- Column 3..N: Name of each metadata field
- Links: adding "_link" to the end of the field name denotes a link for another column (i.e., columns "citation" and "citation_link")
Required Columns:
- Column 1: Filename: the name of the data file for the
- Column 2: Name: the name of the experiment
Optional Columns (in any order):
- Description: a description of the experiment
- Source: the source of the data file (i.e., JGI)
- Version: the version number
- Restricted: restrict the data from public access ("yes" or "no", default is no)
Looks like this: http://genomevolution.org/CoGe/ExperimentView.pl?eid=193