Ancestral Reconstruction Pipeline

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This page is to document the Ancestral Reconstruction Pipeline by Chunfang Zheng

Master control is from her batch script: batchFile.txt

#gets gene pairs from SynMap output

#run with config file
#config file: number of genomes and syntenic depth relationships

java TestGetGenomes data/inputInfoCoGe.txt

#outputs from above:
#               orthologSets_8400_9050_10997_19515.txt
# This file contains orhtologous sets of genes across genome


#ortholog_set org_1_paralog_1|org_1_paralog_2|org_1|paralog_3 org_2_paralog_1|etc. . 
#max number of paralog genes in an organism is based on the syntenic depth for that organism.  E.g., three for peach
1	PAC:17653852|PAC:17650319|PAC:17656076	GSVIVG01035853001|GSVIVG01017316001|GSVIVG01015543001	Tc06_g001640|Tc09_g002300|Tc09_g011400	evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00078.25	
2	PAC:17659187|PAC:17667521|PAC:17645335	GSVIVG01024935001|GSVIVG01034155001|GSVIVG01016522001	Tc05_g004430|Tc09_g031500|Tc10_g002720	evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00012.209	
3	PAC:17660832|PAC:17641120|PAC:17649248	GSVIVG01035855001|GSVIVG01017319001|GSVIVG01015546001	Tc06_g001660|Tc09_g002290|Tc09_g011430	evm_27.model.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00078.24	
10483	PAC:17654291	missing	Tc02_g001110	missing	

  1. genomeInString_8400_9050_10997_19515.txt
  2. subgenomeRangesInGeneOrder_8400_9050_10997_19515.txt

javac java TestGetContigInput data/inputInfoAGRP.txt cd outputFiles python> contigOutput.txt cd .. javac java TestGetContigOutputAndScaffoldInput data/inputInfoAGRP.txt cd outputFiles python > scaffoldOutput1.txt python > scaffoldOutput2.txt python > scaffoldOutput3.txt python > scaffoldOutput4.txt python > scaffoldOutput5.txt python > scaffoldOutput6.txt python > scaffoldOutput7.txt cd .. javac java TestScaffoldOutput

inputInfo example file (describes input from CoGe)

numberOfGenomes	4
numberOfGenomePairs	9

#synmap output with correct syntenic depth
8400	9050	data/8400_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997	8400	data/10997_8400.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997	9050	data/10997_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997	19515	data/10997_19515.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.1.40.gcoords
19515	8400	data/19515_8400.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac1.3.40.gcoords
19515	9050	data/19515_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.cs0.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac1.3.40.gcoords
8400	8400	data/8400_8400.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
9050	9050	data/9050_9050.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords
10997	10997	data/10997_10997.CDS-CDS.last.tdd10.filtered.dag.all.go_D20_g10_A5.aligncoords.Dm0.ma1.qac3.3.40.gcoords

#syntenic depth among the genomes
8400	3
9050	3
10997	3
19515	1

#subgenome information


This file contains infromation about subgenomes (parental genomes) making up an extant genome. Chunfang often creates these by hand, but does have a program to generate this. Practical_Aliquoting

#genome_ID    number_of_synteny_blocks   paleopolyploid_depth title_for_set
10997	21	3	cacao		
#colorCode: means ancestral chromosome assignment -- better term is bin.  For eudicots, this is thought to be 7 (could be other numbers for other reconstructions)
#subgenome: which subgenome to which a block belongs
#chr start end:  position of block in extant genome
colorCode	subgenome	chr	start	end
1	1	2	12716774	27462648
1	2	4	349021	14314443
1	3	3	208385	16091087
2	1	3	19982135	24212437
2	2	1	27207631	30674661
2	3	3	16741484	19970692
3	1	2	1350572	7237080
3	2	1	315357	7988483
3	3	8	43353	6712481
4	1	9	739576	3437504
4	2	6	1071819	9467758
4	3	9	3437504	9589803
5	1	4	18966341	23343107
5	2	1	21083375	26683534
5	3	5	23329957	25395907
6	1	9	23851693	28019603
6	2	5	541440	5362779
6	3	10	333882	12953021
7	1	6	10864133	14795052
7	2	1	8722499	15224371
7	3	7	511932	6542889
19515	0	1	amborella
colorCode	subgenome	chr	start	end