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Metadata is data about data. E.g. the name of a genome is metadata about that genome.

CoGe Metadata File Format

The LoadBatch tool enables users to load batches of genome and experiment data sets. A metadata file, e.g. metadata.txt or any other name ending in .txt, is required along with any number of FASTA, GFF (note: still under development), and experiment data files.

The metadata file is a tab-separated file ending in .txt that contains a header line followed by a metadata line for each genome or experiment. Genomes and experiments can be mixed in the same file. There are some required columns and any number of free-form optional columns.

Required Columns (in order as below):

  1. Filename: the name of the file containing the experiment's data. Supported file types: .csv, .bam, .bed, .gff, .vcf. See LoadExperiment for details.
  2. Name: the name of the experiment
  3. Organism: the CoGe ID for the organism to assign genome (note: only required for genome FASTA/GFF files

Optional Columns (in any order):

  • Description: a description of the experiment
  • Source: the source of the data file (i.e., JGI)
  • Version: the version number
  • Restricted: restrict the data from public access ("yes" or "no", default is no)
  • Add your own unique column names

Note: adding "_link" to the end of the field name denotes a link for another column (i.e., columns "citation" and "citation_link")

Example 1: single experiment metadata line with optional columns
Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 2.53.15 PM.png

Looks like this: