
From CoGepedia
Revision as of 19:07, 7 April 2015 by Franka1 (talk | contribs) (Search)
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Admin is an all-purpose tool for CoGe administrators. It houses such features as: a database-wide search, a view of all currently running jobs, <more to come>.


The main sections of the Admin page can be accessed via the tabs at the top. "Search" houses the main search functionality and "Jobs" holds a view of all currently running jobs.


Search terms can include the names, id numbers, or pieces of the descriptions of the desired result. These will be checked against and return all of the following types of results: Organisms, Genomes, Users, User Groups, Experiments, and Notebooks. Each additional search term (separated by spaces) will narrow the search (increase specificity). To exclude all results that contain a specific term, simply place a "!" anywhere in said term. (Examples: !arabidopsis arabid!opsis arabidopsis!)

The search function also recognizes several tags, or terms with special functionality. These are:







...which limit results to a particular category.





deleted::1 return all results that have (1) or do not have (0) the specified property.

Once the results have populated, there are several options available to manipulate the data directly:

For Genome, Experiment, and Notebook:

1) Click the padlock icon to toggle the restricted status of that item. An open lock is an unrestricted item, while a closed lock represents a restricted item.

2) Click the trash can icon to toggle the deleted status of that item. Deleted items are highlighted red.

3) Click the "Info" link to go to that item's related info page. (GenomeInfo, etc)

4) Click the "Edit Access" button to open the access dialogue. From this panel, clicking the "x" next to a user or user group will remove their access to the current item. Type a username or id in the dialogue bar to grant access to a user.
