EPIC CoGe Reference

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EPIC-CoGe is a custom version of JBrowse with a lot of added features and functionality. The data tracks are populated dynamically from CoGe.

Track Selector

The Track Selector lists your CoGe experiments and notebooks as well as public experiments and notebooks associated with the genome you are viewing.


Click on a track to view it in the browser. Click on it again to remove it from the browser.


Type text in the field at the top of the Track Selector to narrow the list to tracks whose names, descriptions or metadata match the text. Click the X in the field to return to the full list. You can also filter the list by data type. Click on the popup menu to the right of the field and select one of the Show ... Tracks items. For example, selecting Show Quantitative Tracks will narrow the list to only show experiment tracks with quantitative data. Select Add All Tracks Shown from the popup menu to add all the currently shown tracks to the browser. Select Clear All Tracks to empty the browser.

Feature Search

Search Tracks