Syntenic path assembly

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The Syntenic Path Assembly is an option in SynMap to do a reference genome assembly of contigs using synteny to determine the order and orientation of the contigs. To use this option, select "Order contigs by best syntenic path" under the Display Options tab. When an assembly is generated, you may download the assembled sequence (contigs are joined using 100 "N"s. "N" is the ambiguous nucleotide and while it may represent any nucleotide (A, T C, G), this permits the identification of where contigs were "glued" together by this algorithm.).

This algorithm also works quite well in aligning a WGS assembly between distally related organisms. See below for examples.


Selecting the Syntenic Path Assembly option in SynMap
Running a syntenic path assembly in SynMap. When the results are returned, there is an option to download the assembled sequence (contigs are joined using 100 "N"s. "N" is the ambiguous nucleotide, as opposed to A,T,C,G).

E. coli

Tetraodon (puffer fish): Takifugu rubripes and Tetraodon nigroviridis

Carnivora: Giant Panda (WGS Assembly) to Dog (reference genome)

Arabidopsis ecotypes: Columbia versus Landsberg erecta

Phoenix dactylifera L. (date palm) v. Oryza sativa japonica (Rice)

Cannabis sativa (marijuana) v. Prunus persica (peach)