
From CoGepedia
Revision as of 15:46, 14 September 2016 by Sdavey (Talk | contribs) (Search Terms)

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To search CoGe's data, enter terms into search bar at the top of the page and press enter/return or click the search button (magnifying glass).

Search results will be grouped together in type categories, each of which is a collapsable list. Click the type label or arrow to toggle the display of that type's results. The possible types are: Organisms, Genomes, Experiments, Notebooks, and User Groups.

Search Terms

Search terms are words, partial words, or id numbers that you want to find. They will be searched for in the name, description, id and other fields depending on the item type.

Each additional search term (separated by spaces) will narrow the search (increase specificity). In other words, all the terms must be found in an item for a match.

To exclude all results that contain a specific term, place a ! at the beginning or end of the term. For example: !arabidopsis or arabidopsis!

Special Terms

Special terms are constructed of a keyword followed by two colons followed by a value (e.g. deleted::1). You can surround the entire term in double quotes if part of the term contains spaces (e.g. "metadata_value::tophat -g 1").

  • deleted::X, where X is 1 or 0. Specifying a 1 means only return items that have been deleted. Specifying a 0 means only return items that have not been deleted. If this term is not specified then both deleted and non deleted items are returned.
  • restricted::X, where X is 1 or 0. Specifying a 1 means only return items that have been restricted. Specifying a 0 means only return items that are not restricted. If this term is not specified then both restricted and non restricted items are returned.
  • metadata_key::X, where X is a metadata type (e.g. metadata_key::note). Specifying this term will limit the search to items with matching metadata. Note, this term only applies to genomes, experiments, and notebooks.
  • metadata_value::X, where X is the text of the metadata value to search for (e.g. metadata_value::bowtie2_build). Note, this term only applies to genomes, experiments, and notebooks.
  • role::X, where X is one of owner, editor, or reader. Specifying this term will limit the search to items for which the current user has the specified role. For example, specifying role::owner will only return matching items that are owned by the current user.
  • type::X, where X is one of organism, genome, experiment, or notebook. Specifying the type with this special term will limit the search to one type of object (e.g. only organisms). If this term is not specified then all types of items will be searched.