Contact Page
Who is responsible for CoGe?
Eric Lyons
- Contributions
- Project Manager
- Lead Developer
- Head Programmer
- Etc.
- Department
- Contact
- elyons (@)
Josh Kane
- Contributions
- Lead developer of SeqView and CoGeBlast
- Interface developer extraordinaire
- Department
- Undergraduate Researcher
- of California, Berkeley
Brent Pedersen
- Contributions
- OpenGenes tiler application and image caching system,
- Gobe Flash Viewer
- Programmer Analyst
- Department
Damn Lisch
- Application beta tester and vociferous critic
- Department
- Transposon and Maize expert scientist
- of Plant and Microbial Biology
- of California, Berkeley
- Contact
- dlisch (@)
Brian C. Thomas
- Prototype HSP filtering algorithm
- Contact
- bcthomas (@)
Michael Freeling
- PI and application critic
- Department
How to cite CoGe?
Eric Lyons, Michael Freeling (2008) How to usefully compare homologous plant genes and chromosomes as DNA sequences The Plant Journal 53 (4) , 661–673
Whom do I contact with comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc?
Eric Lyons: elyons (@) Or, visit our online and feature request system.