Potato versus grape

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Syntenic comparison between grape (y-axis) and potato (x-axis). Potato's genome is assembled into ~68,000 contigs and are ordered from largest to smallest (left to right). Regions with synteny are identifiable based on green dots, but overall the image is difficult to interpret. Results can be regenerated at: http://genomevolution.org/CoGe/SynMap.pl?dsgid1=43;dsgid2=9092;c=4;D=100;g=50;A=5;Dm=;gm=;w=0;b=1;ft1=1;ft2=2;do1=1;do2=1;do=40;dt=geneorder
Specifying the syntenic path assembly option in SynMap
Syntenic comparison between grape (y-axis) and potato (x-axis) using syntenic path assembly in SynMap. http://genomevolution.org/CoGe/SynMap.pl?dsgid1=43;dsgid2=9092;c=4;D=100;g=50;A=5;Dm=;gm=;w=0;b=1;ft1=1;ft2=2;sp=2;do1=1;do2=1;do=40;dt=geneorder