Syntenic dotplot between Brassica rapa and Arabidopsis thaliana. Syntenic gene-pairs are colored by Ks values. Dark red: orthologs; pink: from shared most recent whole genome duplication event; purple: from shared second most recent whole genome duplication event. Brassica's triploidy is seen by having each region of Arabidopsis thaliana having three dark red regions in B. rapa, while a single region of B. rapa has one dark red region in A. thaliana. Results can be regenerated at .Histogram of Ks values between Brassica rapa and Arabidopsis thaliana. Ks values are log transformed, low values on left (little change); high values on right (more change). Peaks correspond to genome duplication events. Colors in this histogram match colors in the syntenic dotplot. Results may be regenerated at .