Amborella lacks the eurosid paleohexaploidy first described in the grape genome
SynMap syntenic doplot of grape (y-axis) v amborella (x-axis) with Ks colored gene pairs. Notice that most gene pairs have the same color, indicative that the whole genome duplication events seen in grape are not shared in amborella (otherwise, there would be orthologous and out-paralogous sytnenic gene pairs.)Results may be regenerated at: of log10 transformed Ks values of syntenic gene pairs identified between amborella and grape. Gene Models syntenic dotplot: y-axis grape; x-axis amborella. Results may be regenerated at: gene models syntenic dotplot: y-axis grape; x-axis amborella. Results may be regenerated at:
GEvo anlaysis of syntenic regions of amborella to 3 grape regions. Notice the pattern of fractionation among the grape regions when compared to amborella. Results may be regenerated at: