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Web Application Documentation

Main CoGe Entrance Pages

  • OrganismView Search and get an overview of an organism and its genomic information
  • CoGeBlast Blast against any number of organisms using CoGe's Blast interface (supports Blast, and BlastZ).
  • FeatView Search for genomic features by name or description
  • SynMap Generate syntenic dotplots of any two genomes
  • GEvo Compare multiple genomic regions using a variety of sequence comparison algorithms for high-resolution analysis to quickly identify patterns of genome evolution

Additional CoGe Pages

  • FeatList CoGe's tool for managing list of genomic features
  • FastaView Generate Fasta sequences of multiple genomic features
  • SeqView Generate a Fasta sequence of a genomic region
  • GenomeView CoGe's interactive Genome Browser
  • CoGeAlign Generate multiple sequence alignments
  • GenomeMap Visually map genomic features to their genomic locations

Backend Documentation