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Eric Lyons, Ph.D

Professionsal Biography


Undergraduate 1993-1997 UC Berkeley, Molecular and Cell Biology, Immunology:

  • Advisers: Loy Volkman, Jan Washburn, and Eric Haas-Stapleton
  1. Characterizing the effects on pathogenicity of multiple genome copies in an insect virus. Undergrad Research Summary

Masters 1997-1999 UC Berkeley, Microbial Biology:

  • Advisers: Norm Pace and Brian Thomas
  • Two years of research focusing on two projects:
  1. Biochemistry of the catalytic RNA subunit of Ribonuclease P (RNase P), the riboprotein responsible for maturing precursor tRNAs by clearving off a 5' leader sequence.
  2. Characterization of the microbial diversity of cerumen through 16S and 18S ribsomal gene sequences.

Internship 2000-2001 Molcular Sciences Institute, Computational Biology

  • Advisors: Drew Endy and Roger Brent

Designed computational systems for systems biology. Main project was the Stochastirator: a program for simulating intracellular biomolecular reaction networks using a stochastic mathematical framework

PhD 2006-2008 UC Berkeley, Plant Biology:

  • Adviser: Michael Freeling

Three years of research focusing on:

  • Designing and building CoGe: A new kind of comparative genomics platform
  • Studying plant genome evolution

Work Experience

2001 Genencore International, Bioinformatics

  1. Genome assembly and annotation of fungal genomes
  2. Identification and characterization of metaloproteases from the human genome

2002-2003 Berlex Biosciences, Computational Biologist

  1. Expression data analysis of human clinical samples, cell culture samples, and animal models for drug target identification

2004 Biotique Systems, Senior Scientific Developer

  1. Designed system for visualizing pathway and expression data

2005 UC Berkeley, Programmer/Data Analyst III

  1. Freeling lab. Plant comparative genomics.

Teaching and Educational Outreach

  • 1999 Teaching Assistant for Microbial Diversity, UC Berkeley,
  • 2002 Mentor for High School Interns, The Molecular Sciences Institute
  • 2004-2006 Medical Virology Co-Instructure, UC Berkeley Extension
  • 2005-2006 Adviser for Masters Program in Bioinformatics, Amarita Vishwa Vidyapeetham School of Applied Science, Centre For Biotechnology, Kerala India
  • 2005-2008 Perl Programming Workshops (8 weeks), UC Berkeley
  • Undergraduate Research Advisor UC Berkeley 2005-present
  • 2006-present Comparative Genomics Workshops (day long), UC Berkeley
  • 2007 Scientific Reviewer High-school Genetics UC Berkeley Lawrence Hall of Science
  • 2007 Teaching Assistant for General Ecoloty, UC Santa Cruz
  • 2009 Comparative Genomics Workshop (day long), Laurence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics, Iowa State University
  • 2010 Comparative Genomics Workshop (day long), Annual meeting for the Socienty of Invertebrate Pathology

Professional Talks and Seminars

Guest Lectures