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CoGe - Analytics

CoGe Analytics is a metrics and analytics engine for the CoGe platform written on Clojure's web framework Noir.

How To: Deploy on a Server via Apache Webserver


(You can install these CLI tools using your linux distributions preferred package manager)


  1. Once you have all the prerequisites installed, you need to get the Greentea (Analytics) repo from Github.
    1. run: `$ git clone`
  2. inside this new directory run: `$ lein run` it should pull in all the required dependencies* and start a Jetty servlet running on port 3456.

*In the case of a common dependency issue with iplant-clojure-commons

  1. We need to point to the missing dependency manually:
    1. run: `$ git clone`
    2. In lein 2.0 this will create a file at "../iplant-clojure-commons/clojure-commons-1.3.3-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar"
    3. run: `$ lein uberjar` in the iplant-clojure-commons directory.