CoGe - Analytics
CoGe Analytics is a metrics and analytics engine for the CoGe platform written on Clojure's web framework Noir.
How To: Deploy on a Server via Apache Webserver
(You can install these CLI tools using your linux distributions preferred package manager)
- Apache2 - with plugins
- libapache2-mod-proxy-html - For proxying the running port to the correct endpoints.
- libxml2-dev
- Maven - For Clojure Dependencies
- Git - For cloning repos in from github
- Leingingen - Leiningen - Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire.
- Once you have all the prerequisites installed, you need to get the Greentea (Analytics) repo from Github.
- run: `$ git clone`
- inside this new directory run: `$ lein run` it should pull in all the required dependencies* and start a Jetty servlet running on port 3456.
*In the case of a common dependency issue with iplant-clojure-commons
- We need to point to the missing dependency manually:
- run: `$ git clone`
- In lein 2.0 this will create a file at "../iplant-clojure-commons/clojure-commons-1.3.3-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar"
- run: `$ lein uberjar` in the iplant-clojure-commons directory.