Ancestral Reconstruction Pipeline

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Refactored pipeline

Plan for refactoring

GetGenomes: remove config file, add option to specify output dir for output files

This program gets data ready for downstream processing

  • -d <directory of input synmap files>
  • -g gid1,gid2,gid3,gid4... <list of common separated coge genome ids>
  • -p p1,p2,p3,p4 <list of comma separated ploidy levels for genomes -- note these are paired ordered data with the -g option?>
  • -s < subgenome_file>
  • -o <output directory for SubGenomeInGeneOrder OrthologSets GenomeInString files>


This program gets data ready for ancestral ordering of genes by MWM

  • Remove config file dependency
  • -g gid1,gid2,gid3,gid4... <list of common separated coge genome ids>
  • -w w1,w2,w3,w4 <list of comma separated weights for genomes -- note these are paired ordered data with the -g option?>
  • -wa <threshold minimum adjacency score for keeping a contig. Called 'weightOfAdjacent' in original config file>
  • -i <input file: GenomesInString from program GetGenomes>
  • -o <output file name>

Note: Output is now a tab delimited file with each line containing: vertex vertex weight . These data will be used by the MEMPython data below

MWMPython: needs command line options for

This program is a general tool for Maximum Weight Matching. First run is for ancestral gene ordering. Second run is for ancestral contig ordering

  • -i <input file or directory>
    • File type is a set of vertex vertex weight
    • note: if directory, will batch process all files
  • -o <outfile or directory> If no option is specified, the results go to STDOUT


This program maps ancestral contigs back to various genomes, gets their positions, and gets data formatted for a second MWM to generate ancestral ordered contigs Note: goal is to get everything onto the command line. Currently, several of the files are hardcoded

  • -mml <threshold minimum mapping length. The minimum number of "genes" mapping to a subgenome. Called 'minimumGeneGroupLength' in original config file>

Note: genomeInContigIndex is specified in the config file. This is the weighting for each subgenome. These values will be removed and the weights for genomes used instead:

  • -g gid1,gid2,gid3,gid4... <list of common separated coge genome ids>
  • -w w1,w2,w3,w4 <list of comma separated weights for genomes -- note these are paired ordered data with the -g option>
  • -co <configoutput file generated by the MWMPython program>
  • -s <subGenomesInGeneOrder file>
  • -gf <genomeInString file>
  • -o <output directory name>

Note: Multiple output files, one for each ancestral chromosome bin

Note: There are three sets of data that are needed for the subsequent steps:

  • Directory named "scaffolds". These tab delimited files with each line containing: vertex vertex weight. These data will be used by the MEMPython program
  • Directory named "binfiles". These files are used in the final program ScaffoldOutput to assign the correct contigs to the bins
  • File named "contig2genes.txt"


Reuse of the same program listed above for ancestral ordering of contigs


Putting all the output data back together for the final ancestral genome

  • -im <directory of MWM files>
  • -ib <directory composition of bin files>
  • -cg <file containing the looking up of gene families comprising contigs
  • -o <output file of reconstructed genome>