Syntenic dotplot

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Variation type
Difference in strain B REL606
Difference in strain K-12 DH10B
Link leading to GEvo
1. Deletion
Deletion of ~18 genes including DNA
pol II, genes in metabolic pathway, thiamine ABC transporter

pseudogenes in DH10B at deletion site.

Possible additional insertion in DH10B as evidenced by
pseudogenes of yabP, RNA pol associated helicase and FruR, that are not present in REl606
2. Insertion
Insertion of IS1 sequence and a "predicted" transposase
Insertion sequences and Prophage CP46 DNA insertion Prophage specific genes found
Prophage DNA insertion created pseudogenes in K-12 DH10B
3. Deletion in B strain or Insertion in K12 strain
Insertion of IS1 sequence. Insertion of ~15 genes including lac operon and other metabolic enzymes genes Insertion of IS3 and IS2 sequence Pseudogene made in DH10B by IS sequence and transposon insertion
Possible insertion in B REL606 as evidenced by direct repeats.
4. Insertion in B strain and DNA duplication event in K12.
Prophage DNA and transposase insertion
Recent DNA duplication event   100% identity between paralogs and ~98% identity between syntenic region in REL606
Possible phage DNA insertion in REL606 as "hypothetical protein" genes were found near putative prophage tail component gene in REL606.
5. Insertion
Bacteriophage DNA insertion
IS2 sequence insertion
Pseudogenes at IS2 insertion site in DH10B. Phage specific genes were found in REL606
Possible phage DNA insertion in REL606 as "Hypothetical proteins" were found near phage specific genes
6. Insertion
Prophage DNA insertion
Phage specific genes were found in REL606
7. Insertion
none Prophage DNA insertion Phage specific genes found in DH10B
8. Insertion and deletion
Insertion of IS3 element protein and deletion of phenylacetic acid degradation genes
IS and Rac prophage DNA insertion Phage specific genes found in DH10B. IS insertions in REL606 might have created direct repeats and facilitated excision of phenylacetic acid degradation genes.
9. Insertion

Deletion of flagella encoding/regulatory genes  flagella encoding/regulatory genesIS5 sequence and CP4-44 prophage DNA in DH10B.

10. Insertion in B strain.
Pili associated genes and metal resistance genes either inserted in K12 or deleted in B strain.

Bacteriophage DNA insertion in B strain.
IS1 sequence insertion in B strain.
Presence of pili associated genes in K12 together with genes conferring resistance to Co and Ni.
11. Insertion in K12 strain. ParB family protein and recombinase deleted in K12.
CP4-57 prophage DNA insertion in K12 strain. Presence of ParB family protein gene and recombinase in B strain
12. Insertion in B and K12 strain. Inversion. Insertion of saframycin synthetase in B strain or deletion of that in K12.
Prophage DNA insertion in B strain.
Inversion of prepilin leader peptidase/methylase and M-type protein. Is5 insertion in K12. Presence of saframycin synthetase gene in B strain.
13. Insertion of transposon, ShiA-like, TrbC-like proteins in B strain.
IS30 transposon insertion in B strain. Presence of ShiA-like and TrbC-like protein in B strain
14. Insertion in B strain
Insertion of fimbriae synthesis genes, multi drug transporters, Is1 protein gene in B strain.