Fish Comparative Genomics
(Redirected from Sequenced fish genomes)
- Phylogeny of genomes with polyploidy events marked
Sample Datasets
To access sample datasets
- Takifugu rubripes genome (
- Takifugu rubripes genome annotation (
Setting the hook: getting data loaded into CoGe
- Loading new genomes into CoGe
- Loading genomes into the (iPlant Data Store) for the first time
- Sign up for an account or log in
- Access the Data Store
- Direct upload from your computer
- Press the upload tab on the top left and select 'Simple upload from Desktop'
- Find the genome(s) FASTA file and select
- Enjoy a picnic outside while they upload
- Using FTP/HTTP links for uploading genomes in the Data Store
- 1) In the top left of the screen click on the 'Upload' button
- a) Select 'Import using URL'
- b) This will create several spaces to paste URLs into so that the Data Store will retrieve files (in this case genome FASTA files/.fa files). Once the blank areas come up, open a new tab in your browser
- 2) copy the link location of the genome FASTA file from an FTP site or webpage
- 3) paste the URL into a blank on the Data Store page
- Enjoy some tea or coffee while they upload
- 1) In the top left of the screen click on the 'Upload' button
- Once the genomes have been uploaded into the Data Store
- Select them and move them into the folder names 'coge_data'
- The genome should now be visible in the CoGe platform
- Loading genomes into the (iPlant Data Store) for the first time
- Direct upload
- OR Use genomes already available in CoGe
- Select your favorite fish genome from the table below
- Or search CoGe for other organisms using OrganismView
Sequenced fish genomes
Class | Species | Common name | Genome ID | Species notes | CoGe Genome Links |
Hyperoartia (jawless fish) |
Lethenteron camtschaticum | Artic lamprey | 16905 | One of few extant jawless fish | unmasked masked |
Petromyzon marinus | Sea Lamprey | 287 | One of few extant jawless fish | unmasked masked | |
(cartilaginous fish) |
Callorhinchus milii | Australian Ghostshark | 689 | Proposed model cartilaginous fish | unmasked masked |
(lobe-fin fish) |
Latimeria chalumnae | Coelacanth | 3262 | Oldest extant Sarcopterygii | unmasked masked |
Actinopterygii (ray-fin fish) |
Anguilla japonica | Japanese Eel | 13349 | Ecological model, Industry species | unmasked masked |
Anoplopoma fimbria | Sablefish | 12760 | Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Astyanax mexicanus | Mexican tetra | 13073 | Two forms: seeing, and cave-dwelling blind | unmasked masked | |
Cynoglossus semilaevis | Tongue Sole | 11788 | Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Cyprinodon variegatus | Sheepshead minnow | 13078 | Toxicology model | unmasked masked | |
Danio rerio | Zebrafish | 50 | Model species | unmasked masked | |
Dicentrarchus labrax | European Seabass | 2659 | Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Esox lucius | Northern Pike | 22932 | Angling species | unmasked masked | |
Gadus morhua | Atlantic cod | 2661 | Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | Three-spined stickleback | 146 | Model species | unmasked masked | |
Haplochromis burtoni | Burton’s mouthbrooder | 3328 | Ecological model species, Aquarium species | unmasked masked | |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni | Blue mbuna | 2638 | unmasked masked | ||
Lepisosteus oculatus | Spotted Gar | 10597 | Lineage before Teleost whole genome duplication | unmasked masked | |
Maylandia zebra | Zebra Mbuna | 2640 | Ecological model species, aquarium fish | unmasked masked | |
Mchenga conophoros | 2585 | unmasked masked | |||
Melanochromis auratus | Auratus Cichlid | 2639 | unmasked masked | ||
Neolamprologus brichardi | Princess Cichlid | 3329 | Aquarium fish | unmasked masked | |
Nothobranchius furzeri | Turquoise Killifish | 2642 | Short life span model species, metabolic diapause | unmasked masked | |
Nothobranchius kuhntae | Beira Killifish | 2643 | Short life model species | unmasked masked | |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow Trout | Genoscope Salmon Database | Angling and industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Oreochromis niloticus | Nile Tilapia | 197 | Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Oryzias latipes | Japanese Medaka | 542 | Model fish, Aquarium species | unmasked masked | |
Pimephales promelas | Fathead Minnow | 13167 | Industrial baitfish | unmasked masked | |
Poecilia formosa | Amazon Molly | 13072 | Gynogenesis: all female populations | unmasked masked | |
Poecilia reticulata | Guppy | 23338 | Model species, Aquarium fish | unmasked masked | |
Pundamilia nyererei | 3330 | unmasked masked | |||
Salmo salar | Atlantic salmon | [ NCBI Bioproject] | Angling species, Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Sebastes aleutianus | Rougheye Rockfish | NCBI Bioproject | Angling species, Industrial species, Does not age/senesce | soft masked | |
Sebastes nigrocinctus | Tiger Rockfish | 14568 | Angling species, long lived model, live bearer | masked | |
Sebastes rubrivinctus | Flag Rockfish | 11458 | Angling species, Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Stegastes partitus | Bicolor damselfish | 13077 | Medical model species | unmasked masked | |
Takifugu flavidus | Sansaifugu | 14185 | unmasked masked | ||
Takifugu rubripes | Torafugu | 63 | Shortest vertebrate genome known | unmasked masked | |
Tetraodon nigroviridis | Spotted Green Pufferfish | 191 | Model species, low amount of repetitive sequence | unmasked masked | |
Thunnus orientalis | Pacific Bluefin Tuna | 13314 | Industrial species | unmasked masked | |
Xiphophorus maculatus | Southern Platyfish | 10764 | Live bearer | unmasked masked |
Links to CoGe Notebooks containing fish genomes
- All unmasked fish genomes available in CoGe
- [ All masked fish genomes available in CoGe]
- All unmasked fish genomes available in CoGe
- Link to GenomeList for notebooks
- [ GenomeList for all fish genomes in CoGe]
All annotated unmasked fish genomes available in CoGe
All unmasked fish genomes available in CoGe
Casting the Line: analyses for comparing genomes
Whole genome syntenic analysis
- SynMap (tutorial)
- Identify Whole Genome Duplications
- Example 1: Whole genome synteny analysis of Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) compared to Takifugu rubripes. In this analysis, the synonymous mutation rate (Ks) has been calculated to determine the relative age of each syntenic gene pair (represented as a dot) in the dotplot. The blue/green color indicates a newer whole genome duplication whereas the red/orange dots are noise in the dataset. The histogram below the dotplot shows the distribution of the synonymous mutation rates
- Identify Whole Genome Duplications
- Identify Synteny
- Synonymous/nonsynonymous gene pair evolution
Microsyntenic analysis
- GEvo
- Validate microsynteny
- Example 1: Microsynteny analysis using GeVo to compare T. rubripes to O. mykiss. This analysis shows evidence of whole genome duplication in O. mykiss (the Salmonid WGD) when compared to another Teleost fish that does not have a WGD after the Teleost WGDfff.
- Validate microsynteny
- Identify Conserved non-coding sequences (regulatory function)
Ortholog/paralog finding with synteny
- SynFind
- Identify orthologous regions across many species
Sinkers to Cast Further and Deeper: adding weight to genomes with additional data types
Adding new data (genomes, RNASeq, SNPs) to CoGe
- LoadGenome
- LoadExperiment
- Keeping data private and sharing with collaborators
Gene family analysis
- CoGeBlast
- Identify many gene family members within/across species
- Extract sequences (nucleotide/protein)
- Phylogenetic tree reconstruction using iPlant/iAnimal for multiple sequence alignment and tree building
Functional genomics
- Adding/visualizing RNAseq data