Web Application Documentation
Main CoGe Entrance Pages
- OrganismView Search and get an overview of an organism and its genomic information
- CoGeBlast Blast against any number of organisms using CoGe's Blast interface (supports Blast, and BlastZ).
- FeatView Search for genomic features by name or description
- SynMap Generate syntenic dotplots of any two genomes
- GEvo Compare multiple genomic regions using a variety of sequence comparison algorithms for high-resolution analysis to quickly identify patterns of genome evolution
Additional CoGe Pages
- FeatList CoGe's tool for managing list of genomic features
- FastaView Generate Fasta sequences of multiple genomic features
- SeqView Generate a Fasta sequence of a genomic region
- GenomeView CoGe's interactive Genome Browser
- CoGeAlign Generate multiple sequence alignments
- GenomeMap Visually map genomic features to their genomic locations
- tRNAView Search for tRNAs in genomes and genomic sequence
- HSPView Viewing regions of sequence similarity as identified through a variety of tools in CoGe using a variety of sequence comparison algorithms
- MatrixView View alignment scoring matrices.
Linking to CoGe
Since CoGe's tools are all web-based, it is easy to make URLs that link directly into CoGe's applications with specific genomic regions and data pre-loaded. This is useful for other web-based applications and pre-computed datasets.
Backend Documentation
- CoGe's Open-ended Analysis Network
- CoGe Database
- CoGe Database API
- GeLo Graphics Library
- Genome Browser Documentation
- Gobe Flash Results Viewer (Used in Gevo) Documentation