Linking to OrganismView

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It is easy to link to OrganismView and either retrieve a specific organism or search for an organism by name or description. Parameters to find an organism can be passed through CGI on the URL. For example:

This will automatically begin a search for all organism names that contain 'coli'.

The parameters that can be passed on the URL are:.

  1. org_name=name search for any organism whose name contains 'name'
  2. org_desc=description search for any organism whose description contains 'description'. CoGe usually uses NCBI's organism taxonomy descriptions.
  3. oid=id retrieve an organism by the CoGe database id for that organism. (CoGe database ids are always a number.)
  4. dsname=name search for a CoGe dataset by name.
  5. dsid=id retrieve a CoGe dataset by the CoGe database id for that dataset. (CoGe database ids are always a number.)
  6. dsgid=id retreive a CoGe dataset group by the CoGe database id for that dataset group. (CoGe database ids are always a number.)