Tomato genome

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Tomato genome published in Nature

  1. Issue:
  2. Nature Commentary:
  3. Nature Article:
    1. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution

Solanum-specific paleohexaploidy (whole genome triplication)

From: [

The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution]

"Comparison with the grape genome also reveals a more recent triplication in tomato and potato. Whereas few individual tomato/potato genes remain triplicated (Supplementary Tables 10 and 11), 73% of tomato gene models are in blocks that are orthologous to one grape region, collectively covering 84% of the grape gene space. Among these grape genomic regions, 22.5% have one orthologous region in tomato, 39.9% have two, and 21.6% have three, indicating that a whole-genome triplication occurred in the Solanum lineage, followed by widespread gene loss. This triplication, also evident in potato (Supplementary Fig. 11), is estimated at 71 (±19.4) Myr on the basis of the Ks of paralogous genes (Supplementary Fig. 10), and therefore predates the ~7.3 Myr tomato–potato divergence."

Further comparisons using CoGe

Tomato v. potato