Install coge
Installing CoGe on Ubuntu
Note: these instructions were last updated and verified on June 3rd, 2016.
Initial Dependencies
Run the following command:
sudo apt-get -y install {package}
where {package} is each of the following:
apache2 aragorn blast2 build-essential checkinstall expat gcc-multilib git graphviz imagemagick libdb-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libperl-dev libgd-gd2-perl libconfig-yaml-perl libssl-dev libzmq3-dev mysql-server ncbi-blast+ ncbi-blast+-legacy njplot phpmyadmin python-dev python-numpy python-software-properties samtools swig sqlite3 ttf-mscorefonts-installer ubuntu-dev-tools libapache-asp-perl libapache2-mod-perl2 libapache2-mod-wsgi python-pip nodejs npm
Create MySQL database
Dump CoGe database schema (if using existing CoGe installation, otherwise see schema file below).
mysqldump -d -h localhost -u root -pXXXXXXX coge | sed 's/AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*\b//' > coge_mysql_schema.sql
- CoGe MySQL database schema file (updated June 3rd, 2016):
- Note: be sure to disable AppArmor for MySQL.
Create new CoGe Database
create database coge
Initialize new coge database
mysql -u root -pXXXXXXXX coge < coge_mysql_schema.sql
Populate a few entries in the feature_type table
- Use the table here which contains 10 feature types:
mysql -u root -pXXXXXXXXX coge < coge_feature_types.sql
Create new MySQL user for the CoGe database

use mysql; create user 'coge'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXX'; grant all privileges on coge.* to coge; flush privileges;
Note: The CoGe web-user needs edit/insert permission on some tables. Here is a snapshot of what these are:
Deploy the Web Site
Generate a public key and add to your GitHub account
Download the CoGe repository
git clone
Run setup script to make required subdirectories
cd coge/web ./
Configure apache
The /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.conf should look like this:
<VirtualHost *> ServerAdmin webmasterl@localhost DocumentRoot /opt/coge/web <Files *.pl> SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry Options +ExecCGI PerlSendHeader On </Files> <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory> Alias /gobe/ /opt/coge/web/gobe/ <Directory /opt/coge/web/gobe/> Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI AddHandler wsgi-script .py </Directory> <Directory /opt/coge> Options Includes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All SetEnv COGE_HOME "/opt/coge/" Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> <Directory /opt/coge/web/services/> Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI AddHandler wsgi-script .py </Directory> <Directory /opt/coge/web/services/JBrowse/JBrowse_TrackContent_WS/> Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI AddHandler wsgi-script .py </Directory> ScriptAliasMatch (?i)^/coge/jex(.*) /opt/coge/web/services/$1 AliasMatch (?i)^/coge(.*) /opt/coge/web/$1 ProxyPass /coge/api/v1/ http://localhost:3303/ ProxyPassReverse /coge/api/v1/ http://localhost:3303/ ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg. LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined ServerSignature On </VirtualHost>
Enable Required Apache Modules
sudo a2enmod rewrite headers proxy proxy_http expires perl ssl
and reset Apache
Configure coge.conf file
Replacing XXX's with your own information. (Change paths as necessary; this template is configured for having the Coge directory in the path: /opt/coge)
##This is a configuration file for CoGe. #database configuration DB mysql DBNAME coge DBHOST localhost DBPORT 3307 DBUSER coge DBPASS XXXXXXX #CAS authentication for webservices CAS_URL USER_API_URL #basic auth name and password AUTHNAME XXXXXX AUTHPASS XXXXXX #web cookie name COOKIE_NAME cogec #support email address SUPPORT_EMAIL XXXXXX #basedir for coge COGEDIR /opt/coge/web/ #bin dir for coge's programs BINDIR /opt/coge/web/bin/ #scripts dir for coge's programs SCRIPTDIR /opt/coge/scripts #resources dir for static files RESOURCESDIR /opt/coge/resources #data dir for coge's programs DATADIR /storage/coge/data/ #cache dir CACHEDIR /storage/coge/data/cache/ #dir for pair-wise whole genome comparisons (e.g. SynMap) DIAGSDIR /opt/coge/web/data/diags/ #fasta dir FASTADIR /opt/coge/web/data/fasta/ #sequence dir SEQDIR /storage/coge/data/genomic_sequence/ #experiment dir EXPDIR /storage/coge/data/experiments/ #TMPL dir for CoGe's web page templates TMPLDIR /opt/coge/web/tmpl/ #temp dir for coge TEMPDIR /opt/coge/web/tmp/ #secure temp dir SECTEMPDIR /storage/coge/tmp/ #IRODS dir IRODSDIR /iplant/home/<USER>/coge_data IRODSSHARED /iplant/home/shared IRODSENV /opt/coge/web/irodsEnv #Base URL for web-server URL /coge/ #URL for temp directory TEMPURL /coge/tmp/ #blast style scoring matrix dirs BLASTMATRIX /storage/coge/data/blast/matrix/ #blastable DB BLASTDB /storage/coge/data/blast/db/ #lastable DB LASTDB /storage/coge/data/last/db/ #directory for bed files BEDDIR /opt/coge/web/data/bed/ #servername for links SERVER http://XXXXXX/ #Job Engine Server JOBSERVER localhost #Job Engine Port JOBPORT 5151 #directory for caching genome browser images IMAGE_CACHE /opt/coge/web/data/image_cache/ #maximum number of processor to use for multi-CPU systems MAX_PROC 32 COGE_BLAST_MAX_PROC 8 #True Type Font FONT /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf #SynMap workflow tools KSCALC /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ GEN_FASTA /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ RUN_ALIGNMENT /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ RUN_COVERAGE /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ PROCESS_DUPS /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ GEVO_LINKS /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ DOTPLOT_DOTS /opt/coge/web/bin/ #various programs BL2SEQ /usr/local/bin/ bl2seq BLASTZ /usr/local/bin/blastz LASTZ /usr/local/bin/lastz MULTI_LASTZ /opt/coge/web/bin/blastz_wrapper/ LAST_PATH /opt/coge/web/bin/last_wrapper/ MULTI_LAST /opt/coge/web/bin/last_wrapper/ #BLAST 2.2.23+ BLAST /usr/local/bin/ blastall TBLASTN /usr/local/bin/tblastn BLASTN /usr/local/bin/blastn BLASTP /usr/local/bin/blastp TBLASTX /usr/local/bin/tblastx FASTBIT_LOAD /usr/local/bin/ardea FASTBIT_QUERY /usr/local/bin/ibis SAMTOOLS /usr/bin/samtools RAZIP /usr/local/bin/razip ###Formatdb needs to be updated to makeblastdb FORMATDB /usr/bin/formatdb LAGAN /opt/coge/web/bin/lagan-64bit/ LAGANDIR /opt/coge/web/bin/lagan-64bit/ CHAOS /opt/coge/web/bin/lagan-64bit/chaos GENOMETHREADER /opt/coge/web/bin/gth DIALIGN /opt/coge/web/bin/dialign2_dir/dialign2-2_coge DIALIGN2 /opt/coge/web/bin/dialign2_dir/dialign2-2_coge DIALIGN2_DIR /opt/coge/web/bin/dialign2_dir/ HISTOGRAM /opt/coge/web/bin/ KS_HISTOGRAM /opt/coge/web/bin/ PYTHON /usr/bin/python PYTHON26 /usr/bin/python DAG_TOOL /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ BLAST2BED /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ TANDEM_FINDER /opt/coge/web/bin/dagchainer/ DAGCHAINER /opt/coge/web/bin/dagchainer_bp/ EVALUE_ADJUST /opt/coge/web/bin/dagchainer_bp/dagtools/ FIND_NEARBY /opt/coge/web/bin/dagchainer_bp/dagtools/ QUOTA_ALIGN /opt/coge/web/bin/quota-alignment/ CLUSTER_UTILS /opt/coge/web/bin/quota-alignment/ BLAST2RAW /opt/coge/web/bin/quota-alignment/scripts/ SYNTENY_SCORE /opt/coge/web/bin/quota-alignment/scripts/ DOTPLOT /opt/coge/web/bin/ SVG_DOTPLOT /opt/coge/web/bin/SynMap/ NWALIGN /usr/bin/nwalign CODEML /opt/coge/web/bin/codeml/codeml-coge CODEMLCTL /opt/coge/web/bin/codeml/codeml.ctl CONVERT_BLAST /opt/coge/web/bin/ DATASETGROUP2BED /opt/coge/web/bin/ ARAGORN /usr/local/bin/aragorn CLUSTALW /usr/local/bin/clustalw2 GZIP /bin/gzip GUNZIP /bin/gunzip TAR /bin/tar #MotifView MOTIF_FILE /opt/coge/web/bin/MotifView/motif_hash_dump #stuff for Mauve and whole genome alignments MAUVE /opt/coge/web/bin/GenomeAlign/progressiveMauve-muscleMatrix COGE_MAUVE /opt/coge/web/bin/GenomeAlign/ MAUVE_MATRIX /opt/coge/web/data/blast/matrix/nt/Mauve-Matrix-GenomeAlign #newicktops is part of njplot package NEWICKTOPS /usr/bin/newicktops #convert is from ImageMagick CONVERT /usr/bin/convert CUTADAPT /usr/local/bin/cutadapt GSNAP /usr/local/bin/gsnap CUFFLINKS /usr/local/bin/cufflinks PARSE_CUFFLINKS /opt/coge/scripts/ GMAP_BUILD /usr/local/bin/gmap_build BOWTIE_BUILD /usr/local/bin/bowtie2-build TOPHAT /usr/local/bin/tophat #THIRD PARTY URLS GENFAMURL GRIMMURL QTELLER_URL
Install Perl Modules
- Install cpanminus
sudo cpan install App::cpanminus
- Install third-party modules required by CoGe
cat modules.txt | xargs sudo cpanm
- Install CoGe-specific modules
Install Python Modules
sudo pip install pyzmq
Install Javascript dependencies
- Install javascript dependencies
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo npm install -g bower bower install
Install Third-Party Bioinformatics Tools
For each path in coge.conf that starts with /usr/local/bin, download these programs and follow the installation instructions on their respective websites.
- GMAP, GSNAP, and FastBit (be sure to get version 1.3.5, rather than the most recent) require the command './configure && make && sudo make install'
- For clustalw, cufflinks, TopHat, and Bowtie (needs unzipping), copy the executable files into /usr/local/bin
- Nwalign and cutadapt need the command 'sudo python install'
- For Lastz, download the tarball here: Then, edit the lastz-distrib-1.02.00/src/Makefile and remove the word -Werror from line 31. Then run make and make install. Finally, cd back to home, then into last-distrib/bin and mv the files into /usr/local/bin.
- VCFTools:
After installing modules, reset the Apache webserver
sudo service apache2 restart
Install blast matrices
cd /storage/coge/data/blast git clone mv blast-matrix matrix
Install JBrowse
Copy from existing CoGe installation if one exists. Otherwise, download and install the JBrowse package from
unzip mv JBrowse-1.11.4 /coge/web/js/jbrowse
Install CCTools
- Download a stable release that is 4.3 or greater from
- Extract the file (this example is using version 4.3 which may differ from the version downloaded)
tar xzvf cctools-4.3.0-source.tar.gz
- Compile and install
cd cctools-4.3.0-source ./configure --prefix /usr/local make sudo make install
- Add the following upstart scripts for the work_queue_pool and catalog_server to /etc/init
By default the pool directory for work_queue will be in /storage/work_queue adjust the directory as needed.
# /etc/init/.conf description "The cctools work queue pool" author "Evan Briones" start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0) stop on shutdown respawn limit 30 60 pre-start script POOL_DIR=/storage/work_queue LOG_FILE=$POOL_DIR/logs/work_queue_pool.log # Add the pool directory and set ownership if ! [ -d "$WORK_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p $POOL_DIR/workers mkdir -p $POOL_DIR/logs chown -R www-data:www-data $POOL_DIR fi # Remove the pidfile if it exists rm -f $POOL_DIR/ # Archive old log and timestamp the value if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d.%H.%m.%S") mv -f $LOG_FILE "$LOGFILE.$TIMESTAMP" fi end script script POOL_DIR=/storage/work_queue LOG_FILE=$POOL_DIR/logs/work_queue_pool.log #CONFIG=/etc/yerba/work_queue_pool.conf #WORK_QUEUE_POOL=$(which work_queue_pool) WORK_QUEUE_FACTORY=$(which work_queue_factory) export CATALOG_HOST=localhost export CATALOG_PORT=1024 exec start-stop-daemon -c www-data -g www-data -d $POOL_DIR --start \ -p $POOL_DIR/ --exec $WORK_QUEUE_FACTORY \ -- -T local -M coge-main -d all -o $LOG_FILE -w 10 \ -S $POOL_DIR -E "--workdir=$POOL_DIR/workers" end script
# /etc/init/.conf description "The cctools catalog server" author "Evan Briones" start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0) stop on shutdown respawn limit 30 60 script exec catalog_server -p 1024 -l 100 -T 3 end script
- Start the catalog server and work_queue_pool
sudo start work_queue_pool sudo start catalog_server
Install the Job Engine (Yerba)
Download and install the latest Yerba package from
For more specific details on Yerba visit
The default installation path for Yerba will be in /opt/Yerba. If another path is chosen update the configuration files to match.
- Copy and the configuration file to /etc/yerba/yerba.cfg
[DEFAULT] debug = True access-log = /opt/Yerba/log/access.log yerba-log = /opt/Yerba/log/yerbad.log [yerba-log] logging = /etc/yerba/logging.conf [access-log] logging = /etc/yerba/access.conf [yerba] port = 5151 level = DEBUG [workqueue] catalog_server = localhost catalog_port = 1024 project = coge-main log = /var/log/workqueue.log port = -1 password = /etc/yerba/workqueue_pass debug = True [db] path = /opt/Yerba/workflows.db start_index = 100
- Copy the upstart file to /etc/upstart/yerba.conf
# /etc/init/yerba.conf description "Yerba server daemon" author "Evan Briones" start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0) stop on shutdown respawn pre-start script LOG_DIR=/opt/Yerba/log LOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/debug.log [ -d "$LOG_DIR" ] || mkdir -m777 -p $LOG_DIR # [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ] || rm -f $LOG_FILE end script script export YERBA_ROOT=/opt/Yerba export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$YERBA_ROOT" exec start-stop-daemon -c www-data -g www-data --start \ --iosched real-time --nicelevel -19 \ --exec $YERBA_ROOT/bin/yerbad -- >> $YERBA_ROOT/log/debug.log 2>&1 end script post-start script echo Restart on: `hostname -A` | mail -s "UPSTART: Yerba was started" end script
- Initialize and start the job engine
/opt/Yerba/bin/yerbad --setup sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/Yerba/workflows.db sudo start yerba
Visualization in GEvo does not work
This relies on a system known as Gobe. Check the following things:
- Apache configuration for gobe
- Check to see if paths hard-coded into gobe/flash/service.wsgi need to be updated
- NOTE: Not sure if this is required
Working on an Atmosphere Virtual Machine
Click here for instructions on dealing with issues that occur specifically with Atmosphere Virtual machines.