Vitis vinifera version 2 versus version 1

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Syntenic dotplot of Vitis vinifera (grapevine) version 2 (x-axis) versus version 1 (y-axis). Results can be regenerated at:;dsgid2=43;c=4;D=20;g=10;A=5;Dm=0;gm=0;w=0;b=1;ft1=1;ft2=1;do1=1;do2=1;do=40;dt=geneorder

Syntenic dotplot of Vitis vinifera (grapevine) version 2 (x-axis) versus version 1 (y-axis). Because grape, as with all eudicots, is derived from the eudicot paleohexaploidy, each region of its genome is syntenic to two others. However, the identical regions between these versions of the grapevine genome can be identified in this syntenic dotplot by their extensive syntenic signal. This is seen by long, dense green lines in the dotplot. Note the difference in these line such as reoriented contigs (inversion), where a syntenic line changes its slope and additional sequence in version 2, where a syntenic line has a gap in the x-axis. Some pieces of version 1 chromosomes have moved to a new chromosome, as can be seen in chromosome 6.