Apologies for CoGe's downtime on 7/14-7/15 2024. The data center in which CoGe's servers are housed at the University of Arizona experienced a power outage due to a thunderstorm and the backup generators did not turn on. The University's entire data center went down, including all hosted servers, CyVerse, and HPC systems. CyVerse's team did a great job getting all servers back online, including CoGe's (extra special thanks to Andy E.!)

If you notice any problems with CoGe, please email coge.genome@gmail.com. CoGe has a lot of moving parts (electron-wise) and we appreciate your patience as we get everything back online.

  • Organisms: 22,229
  • Genomes: 59,741
  • Features: 4,429,488,188
  • Experiments: 13,244

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CoGe is a platform for performing Comparative Genomics research. It provides an open-ended network of interconnected tools to manage, analyze, and visualize next-gen data.


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