Potato-Utricularia-Genlisea Syntenic Depth

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Follow this link for information on Syntenic depth.

Syntenic depth measurements permit classifying the number of whole genome duplications that have happened in one lineage relative to another. Unfortunately, these analyses are not 100% conclusive, but provide supporting evidence, especially when combined with Syntenic dotplots.

4 genes in 100

Syntenic Depth: http://genomevolution.org/r/4rl2 Genlisea aurea Depth 1 698 of 1000 69.80% Depth 2 159 of 1000 15.90% Depth 3 143 of 1000 14.30% Utricularia gibba Depth 1 9893 of 19848 49.84% Depth 2 5103 of 19848 25.71% Depth 3 2946 of 19848 14.84% Depth 4 1436 of 19848 7.23% Depth 5 348 of 19848 1.75% Depth 6 109 of 19848 0.55% Depth 7 13 of 19848 0.07%

Potato-Utricular-Genlisea Syntenic Depth old data