How to load a private genome into CoGe?

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Loading Fasta Files from the Web:

You can now load in fasta files from within CoGe:

  1. Log into CoGe
  2. Go to your User Profile Page
  3. Select "Create" -> "Load Genome"
    1. Follow this link for information on how to use LoadGenome
Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 8.59.49 AM.png

Data Sources

To perform the advanced genomic analyses with CoGe, you need to have your genome added to the system. We prefer to use iPlant's Data Store to transfer your personal data to CoGe because the Data Store is relatively easy to use (like dropbox), has a lot of free storage for scientists, and is very fast. The Data Store web link can be used by anyone who has the URL. For this reason, please un-share or delete the file as soon as you receive notification from the CoGe project that your data has been received.

(These directions should also be followed for public genomes.)

  1. Register your CoGe account:
    1. How to get a CoGe account
  2. Upload Fasta and GFF (if available) files to iPlant Data Store
    1. Quick Start Guide:
    2. Use Davis to generate a quick-share link to let others download the data