Contact Page

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Who do I contact with comments, suggestions, bug reports, general questions, etc?

CoGe Support: coge.genome (@)

We will respond within 24 hrs. (usually) Contact us!

CoGe Team: Many thanks to many good people

Eric Lyons

Matt Bomhoff

Haibao Tang

Blake Joyce

Asher Baltzell

How to cite CoGe?

How to acknowledge CoGe?

If you have an acknowledgement for CoGe, please reference one (or more) of the following grant numbers:


  • IOS-1339156 Years: 2014-2017
  • IOS-1444490 Years: 2015-2019


  • 2013-00984 Years: 2013-2016

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation:

  • 3833 Years: 2012-2014

Former Team Members

Alex Frank

  • Undergraduate student worker
  • Developer of the Admin Dashboard

Shabari Subramaniam

  • Scientific Analyst

Evan Briones

Roey Chasman

  • CoGe Developer
  • Developer for CoGe's internal usage monitoring
  • Developer for EPIC-CoGe Browser

James Schnable

Brent Pedersen

  • Developer of Gobe (visualization system used GEvo
  • Developer of OpenGenes (navigation system used in visualization system for GenomeView)
  • Much code work behind the scenes to get algorithms working quickly

Joshua Kane

Brian Thomas

Sara Castelletti

Dan Hembry

CoGe Development Testers

Michael Freeling

Damon Lisch