Nelumbo nucifera

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Proposed WGD phylogeny and evolutionary history

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Evidence of a Nelumbo tetraploidy event

Nelumbo nucifera self-self

Nelumbo v. Amborella

Evidence that Nelumbo's tetraploidy event is independent of the eurosid Paleohexaploidy

Nelumbo v. Vitis

Evidence that Nelumbo's tetraploidy event is independent of the Aquilegia tetraploidy: Note Aquilegia's genome is unpublished and these results may not be used in a publication.

Nelumbo v. Aquilegia

Ks distributions (Left: Nelumbo-Nelumbo; Right: Nelumbo-Vitis)

Lotus-lotus Ks histogramLotus-Vitis Ks histogram